Tuesday, March 6, 2012

In the past month or so, I've been finding these tiny (maybe the size of my pinky nail) beetle-ish bugs, with no clear separation between head and body, all over my house. I found nine just today.

They each seem to have to yellow-white horizontal stripes. Sometimes they raise themselves up on their front legs, and they can climb walls and couches (etc), too.

I am in the Southwest, near the Grand Canyon and Zion National Park.|||Look up Potato beetle or it's close cousin Cucumber beetle as they look just about the same. One is whitish striped the other almost yellowish stripes. Google them both for a comparison. You can kill them by using Zep orange spray cleaner. I use it in my farm and it knocks them dead almost instantly and no pesticide.|||The Bryce Canyon Hudoo bug


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