Friday, February 3, 2012

I'm turning vegan/health nut and I need some simple raw recipes to look forward to when I end my fast in 4 more days. Any help would be greatly appreciated.|||Hahaha .. yes .. please do eat a STAKE. Let me know how that works out.

I'm quite impressed, that must've taken a lot of dedication. I personally wouldn't go longer than a week, just because I need my electrolytes!

Anyway, raw recipes!
Start off with some mashed banana or apple (do it yourself) or like stated above, do it in a puree. Eat some citrus, they're primarily water, so it'll be easy on your system. I like "citrus salad" peel the thin transparent layer off of some orange, lime, lemon and grapefruit, break it up into bits and mix. I do mostly grapefruit and orange, as lemon is very sour and lime is very sweet and strong. Your system REALLY WILL need easily digestible foods.

When you're body is readjusted to eating you can introduce something with more substance.
I'm a huge fan of avocado. I like to put a twist on guacamole, just by adding some zucchini. I hate measuring, so sorry this might be confusing.
I do two avocados (make sure they're ripe), a package of organic cherry tomatoes (I find their flavour is nicer in dips), around 1/4 cup onion (I really like onion, if you don't then I wouldn't use as much), a bit of garlic, and then half a small zucchini.
Then eat it with some unsalted vegan blue cornchips (they sell them at the health food market where I live). It's goood :)

Hope this helps!

*also try some Wormwood tea (not as disgusting as it sounds). It'll help out your digestive system A LOT. Wormwood tea can be made by adding 1/2 to 1 teaspoon (2.5 to 5 grams) of the herb to 1 cup (250 ml) of boiling water, then steeping for ten to fifteen minutes. Drink 3 cups a day. Wormwood extract or tincture can be ingested by adding 10 to 20 drops in water and can be taken ten to fifteen minutes before each meal. It is not recommended that you take Wormwood for more than 4 weeks in a row. You can find it at health food stores, or herbal medicine shops.|||Something soft and raw, like raw applesauce or mashed bananas, would be the first choice. Your system is going to seriously be upset after this once you try to introduce foods, so you want something that is very easy to digest, which would be fruit. Puree them would be even better, or introduce them back into your system in a liquid form, like in a smoothie.

I am very interested in why you have done a water fast for 21 days...would you mind emailing me and explaining that? I've never heard of one going for so long, just curious as to what the benefit is for it. Mental? Physical? Spiritual? All three? Please email me about it, much appreciated :) My email is on my profile.|||There isn't a doctor on the planet in their right mind that would EVER say a "water fast" for three weeks is right. I challenge the rationale behind your mother's thinking this is OK. It is not. I am left to suspect that your mother is not a doctor.
If you are on a true water fast then she would have long ago had you committed for fear that you would suffer cardiac arrest, swelling of the brain, and other sources of death from electrolyte imbalances alone; much less any of the other permanent problems that could arise from such a foolish thing.

Raw vegetables cut up on a plate is one recipe.|||slowly start adding foods back into your diet. Try simple bland ingredients with very little spice. Your body has been without food (only water) for quite sometime and eating full on meals might cause you a big stomach ache with alot of time spent in the bathroom.

Soups are a great food to start off with for a couple days, as they are are not so heavy on the stomach.|||You shouldnt have to change your right but here is a speical treat to celebrate at the end of your journey

3 cups diced watermelon
2 tablespoons lime juice
1 tablespoon sugar
1 cup crushed ice
1/2 cup water
Nutrition Info
Per Serving
Calories: 50 kcal
Carbohydrates: 11 g
Dietary Fiber: 0 g
Fat: 0 g
Protein: 0 g
Sugars: 11 g

its good to have something sweet once in a while- its a vital part of the five food groups-im just adding this cause you said your a health nut|||you are a rawest so anything raw would be good for you. It is important to remember that
If you were under weight it means that you are under eating that is why you are losing weight. If you under eat then your body will think that it should take from the supply it already has which is from the body itself it actually eats its self that is why no weight is put on and the person gets skinnier. it will cause serious problems later on with the bones.

A safe diet that i eat is to eat every four hours so that my body doesn't stave itself and it knows that I am going to be regular with the food because if it thinks it won't get any food then it will store up the food it gets and make me even more fatter even though I don't eat much.

So eat every four hours have anything even if it is a stick of celery just pop it in but in your case you have to eat more a healthy calorie count is 2000 a day unless you exercises then it will be 2500 a day so that your body doesn't eat it self. and your body will behavior correctly and doesn't think that it is on a famine. If it thinks this then it will store store and store. Hence big belly. Eat Carbs during the day and eat slow releasing ones like, potato's, whole wheat, oats, rice, bread. One large potato is a portion and a half. So watch your portion sizes and eat often every four hours. Good luck it works for me.|||Good for you!, i believe the record for a water fast was 1 year! Personally i went 2-3 weeks, first thing i ate was chinese food, and LOTS of it. got 5-6 dishes, piled my plate full, just everything in one huge pile threw some spring rolls on it and with a second bowl with wonton soup. Oh my god. If your the legal drinking age, whats wrong with some delicious pub food and beer?|||You take Black beans soak them for eight hours then boil them Them until they can be cured. Chop up bellpeppers, onions and garlic put in some olive oil and you will have the best beans ever don't forget to season. Take a blender add Ice and water one apple and banana, a thumb of ginger, kale, parsley and spinach then blend and you will have an awesome green smoothie|||WTF? Why are you doing a water fast? Is this some form of rebellion I haven't heard of/ dont yet? You can easily google vegan/healthy foods online. There are tons of sources. Not enough to give people common sense though.

Hope this **** doesnt permanently damage your brain.|||this is the stupidest thing i have ever heard of but it doesn't take that long to do it. you are going to be really sick and it kind of sound like you are a bit annerexik|||Raw fruit, you cannot rush this process.鈥?/a>|||Hope you consulted you doctor before doing such a dumb thing. Try raw carrots, raw celery, raw apples, raw oranges but be prepared for some GI backlash.|||water fast meaning only drinking water or not drinking water at all...
I'm not entirely sure that's healthy you should see a doctor.|||Why the F### would you do this to your body? Here's some advice, go to the store and but a huge T-Bone and some A-1 and enjoy life!|||it only takes 3 days of water fasting to cleanse your system

...your going to be really really sick|||You want to drink fruit juices for the first day, or two. Then small meals for the next few days.|||Vegetable Juice made with tomatoes, carrots etc in your kitchen !!!|||How do you keep your electrolytes up? I'm surprised you didn't pass out yet.|||stake!!!!!! big fat STAKE!!!!|||ummm....
go out and eat some fried foods.
dont be so healthy, thats not healthy!!!|||Isn't this really bad for you?|||Why are you doing this?|||you'll be back to your senses soon enough|||i'd say start with light, fresh salads. use olive oil to dress it.|||wow thats a bit risky
did u try drinkin eggs?!!


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