Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Specifically near Chicago, they have plenty at the Shedd Aquarium but are there any that inhabit the lake or do they need an ocean?|||no, but they do have VERY large sturgeon (a really big fish that can grow over 7 feet long).

There are very few freshwater dolphins in the world.|||There are no dolphins in Lake Michigan, Dolphins need saltwater to live and can not live in freshwater alone. There are River/ "freshwater" Dolphins, but they are not truly freshwater, they can tolerate a lower salinity of water. They tend to live in salt/freshwater rivers like the amazon, and other rivers in South America. |||one time many years ago a saw a small octopus washed up on the beach of Lake Ontario so I must assume that it is not beyond the relm of possibility that a dophin might possibily be found in one of the Great lakes, but Lake Michigan is just a little far from the ocean for one to find its way that far up the creek without a paddle.|||There's nothing quite like watching whales on a sunny day on Lake Michigan. The wind blowing in your face, the warm sun keeping you warm, and the site of huge whales surfacing near your boat. That is a day to remember.

Hector, an experience whale guide, will lead you and your friends to sites on Lake Michigan where you can view whales and dolphins. This is an exciting trip that you won't want to miss.

Lake Michigan Whale Watching
Ernie Broglio Marina and Seaplane Lagoon
Lower Shores, Michigan 69117

|||Absolutely, they just aren't living creatures. Dolphins are structures that extend above the water's surface for posting navigational aids and to protect bridge substructures.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolphin_(st鈥?/a>|||No. Excepting for a couple of river species, dolphins happen to live in the ocean. No lakes in the world have dolphins.|||I believe dolphins need an ocean and there are none in lake michigan.


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